

I have been hopping around and found that many bloggers are off to Sewing Summit soon.. Its great to see so many travelling inspiration at Travel Handmade Flickr Group too.

I too will be travelling tomorrow..but not to Sewing Summit, Alas..but I am travelling back to my Mum in Malaysia! Fun eitherway..

I was greatly inspired by all the handmade travelling things I see around.. but I don’t have a sewing machine to do any last minute sewing! I really wish I could just sew up a passport holder.. Will I have the time to handsew it tonight? Yikes.. probably no.. but who knows…

So I can’t show you much now..I am just doing a little prep for my on the go project : my EPPs… so that is currently my W.I.P.

travelling with hexies..

Included there are some paper piecing project I plan to link up on the 30th November over at the Travelling PicStitch hosted by Quokka Quilt.

And here are the full fabric choice for my Travelling PicStitch. The photo was taken at Floriade 2012, Canberra. (Its spring over here down under and Floriade is held in Canberra every year- so this is our annual activity for sure)

travelling picstitch fabric choice

travelling picstich

And I also reorganized my sewing space. So I guess I can show you where I sew..

My little sewing side - beside our bed

And I organized my scrap stash by colour too..

Scrap Stash Sorted by Colour

Well I really hope my sewing machine would be ready once we are back in Canberra. Till then, I am off to have fun on my travel!

BTW, If you have a minute, I’d love if you could fill this poll too! You can tick more than one… I love to know what you like!Thank You!!!

What part of making a quilt do you like/enjoy the most?
pollcode.com free polls 



  1. I like your fabric selection. I am working on a project for the Travelling Picstitch too.

  2. I like your fabric selection. I am working on a project for the Travelling Picstitch too.

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