
If you are a quilter, you may already know this common two abbreviation.

But just in case someone new pop on to this blog, just let me make it clear:


Unfinished Object, half sewn, half-way done but has long forgotten. Sometimes unknowingly appear in the mess of looking for something in the sewing room. Sometimes, it has been so long that the owner forgets what was it meant to be. Erk. 🙂


Work In Progress. Things that are still being worked on whether slowly progressing or being in the front view. Or waiting in the list to be done. it got on the list so it is in progress.

However, WIP can easily be turned into UFO once they got neglected and being shoved way under that pile. or that drawer. or that basket. wherever you keep it. 🙂

list of quilt ufo


Today, I am going to be taking you through my current UFOs and WIPs.

So just a warning: this is going to be a lengthy post. Just so you know I am going into details with these WIPs and UFOs.

January seems like a great time to post about these, so I am doing it.

Besides, I have just moved house and got a new sewing space, and finishing off old projects seems like a good idea to start with.

Let’s start with the pile.

Do you count your WIPs and UFOs?

If you do, I respect you. I used to.. till I lost count.

But a new year, new motivation. New resolution. I am going to count it and make a progress check-list.

I’ll show you the list at the end of this post.

Pile of Quilt UFO and WIP


While it may not seem so much for some people, I am pretty sure that pile up there will occupy my 2018 pretty well even if I don’t start any new project. But that seems too much of a goal.

I can’t resist new projects. So I am going to just have a go going around that.

What I am going to do is to make sure I progress each one in sequence until they finish off before moving onto another UFO on the list.

Which means, only one UFO will become a WIP at one point of time until they are DONE.

In order to do that, I am going to brace myself with some discipline and some accountability.

Here is a list of linky parties/facebook group that you and I (yes, you and I cause I am pretty sure you have a pile of UFOs of your own right?) can be a part of this 2018 to ensure at least some dents are made to this pile of UFO okay?

Quilt community for accountability to finish up UFOs this 2018

Finishing quilt and sewing project UFO in 2018? Find list of accountability group here.

UFO challenge by allpeoplequilt.com. They have a fun way of choosing which UFO for each month. Perfect for one monthly goal to finish each UFO in each month of 2018.

18 in 2018 by What A Hoot Quilt. If you have 18 or more than 18 UFOs, I think this is great accountability linky parties to join along.

2018 Finish-A-Long by She Can Quilt and many other blog hosts. A quarterly goal planning to finishing off your projects. You will need to link early of the quarter and at the end of the quarter.

crazymomquilts does a Finish Up Friday every single Friday which is a great one to link to once you got that UFO finished! and there’ll be plenty of Fridays that you can link up to.


Now that we got the plan ready, let’s get digging into my pile, shall we?

1. Double Wedding Ring Quilt

It was a work in progress in 2017. and I want it to remain as a work in progress now until it is done and done. So this shall be my January Finish. Hopefully.

Double Wedding Ring Quilt

2. Liberty+Voile Courthouse Quilt

I love this quilt. The softness of this quilt top made me scared to make the wrong batting choice and backing. Hence it has been put away sadly “unprogressable” for more than a year. I am determined to get the right backing and get it moving.

Liberty Quilt

3. Aviatrix Medallion Quilt

This was another work in progress in 2017. At least the first half of 2017. Then, I squandered away from it.

The truth is I have a major love and hate relationship with this quilt.

Quilt Aviatrix Medallion

I started this in 2015 or 2014 and I started with cutting all, I mean ALL the pieces and put it in a sandwich bag just as the pattern says.

And then, I guess I just let is sit in that bag and possibly “marinated” it for a year or two.

I couldn’t start because I was afraid of that aviatrix centre with all the y-seams. But that was silly. Cause once I started it, it went all smooth. And that was in 2016. (and I didn’t even blog about it. It is in Instagram though)

The quilt top now is basted and ready to be quilted.

But then I didn’t quilt it yet. Partly because I have the DWR on the list of quilting first, and partly because I am kind of thinking whether I should custom quilt it like what I have done here with my Modern Medallion which I LOVE LOVE LOVE.

Or whether I should just opt for an allover quilting. it will definitely get done faster.

Besides, here the honest truth: I kind of fell out of love with the colours.

I guess I am not a fan of these colours, though they are really beautiful and I love Carolyn Friedlander’s designs.

But I kind of feel distance with it. Hence, I may just opt for it to be just quilted and done. I may even sell the quilt top.

So that’ll definitely be on the list of finish this 2018.

Now, let’s move on to an even older UFOs.


4. Scrap Vomit Quilt

This started in 2012 or 2013. I was going to make it into an leader and ender project. Which it did, when I remember to. Most of the time I never really do any leaders and ender. I need to learn to do that better.

But this project is one of the one I am looking forawrd to work on. So I am making sure I’ll progress on it this year.

Scrap Vomit Scrappy Quilts

5. Scrappy Postage Quilt

I received most of these blocks from a block swap I joined back in 2011 or 2012. This was the first swap I ever joined and it was a fun one. I love getting all the scrappy blocks from all over the world. I didn’t plan very well though, so I ended up with lots of random blocks.

It was not until the near end that I decided to request similar blocks from different quilters. And one that I love most was the postage stamp quilt.

I am going to add more blocks to this (and if I can get more blocks from other quilters as a swap that would be great too) and finish it off.

Scrappy Quilt Swap

6. Paper Pieced Lucky Star BOM 2014

I love these blocks. The colours were right, the shape and the design of each block were amazing. But I didn’t get to the finish line with all 12. I ended up with only 8 blocks. And I made only the 6″ ones. So they are pretty small.

I haven’t decided yet, but I think I should turn them into a lap size quilt or a decent size wall quilt with lots of negative space to compromise the tiny blocks. Maybe make them like shooting stars or something like that.

Lucky Star BOM foundation paper piecing quilt

7. Paper Pieced Swedish Bloom

Here is another set of blocks that I can’t part with neither I do anything with them. I am going to add the leaves and get this done no matter what size quilt I get with 4 flowers.

Swedish Bloom Paper Pieced Blocks

8. Modern Solid Wonky Crosses

I was in a modern quilting bee back in 2013, and for my turn as Queen, I requested the wonky crosses block. Since it was a modern quilting bee, it was all made of solid fabrics. I haven’t yet time to put it together. I may need to add more blocks before I can make into a decent size quilt.

Modern Wonky crosses quilt

9. Chicken and Hen Blocks

I made this when I made the tutorial for the perfect HSTs. I love the blocks and the fabric choices made, so I am going to make more of this to make at least a lap quilt. 9 blocks would be great I think.

If you want to make the block, here is the tutorial to the perfect HST and the templates and the pattern for the bkock is in my resource library. If you haven’t sign up as a TLMC subscriber, you may need to do that first here, so you can get access to the password.

Hen and chicken quilt block

10. Marcelle Medallion

I don’t know whether I will continue to make this bigger but I do want to just finish it off. So we’ll see when we get here.

This is a pattern from

Marcelle Medallion Quilt

11. Plus Quilt maybe?

this jelly roll were cut intended for a Plus Quilt from . But I haven’t even put it into layout before, and always doubting the patterns being too busy for this quilt look. So we’ll see. I might still make a plus quilt but maybe a different pattern.

Plus Quilt A beginning

Well there you go all of the UFOs that hasn’t been progressing in the last 6 month or more.

I do have another list of WIPs including my slow growing EPP and my Sewcial Bee Sampler.

Other than that, small blocks of and and other small early satge projects, I think I am clear.

I have actually purged old blocks and old UFOs that I don’t want anymore in 2016 when we moved back to Malaysia, hence my UFOs are pretty tame at this stage. I e=intend to keep it that way.

So here to a great 2018 and finishing off UFOs!

Now it’s your turn, share with me your list in the comments or just answer this:

What is the oldest UFO you have on your list???


Linking to: What A Hoot and APQChallenge Facebook Group.

Since I don’t have a number 12, I will start with my DWR quilt as I am late to the party with the APQchallenge.

and for the rest of 7 more projects for the 18 in 2018, I am open to new projects which I know will come spontaneously for sure.


  1. I love love love all that’s on your list!!!! But, what I applaud most is the fact you created such an incredibly organized LIST!!!!!! I don’t think I’m capable of even achieving that…lol! Will be following your progress…..YES, I said “progress”, for how can there not be??? We’re all watching (LOL!!!)…….hugs…….

  2. You have such very lovely UFOs! I love your Aviatrix – one of the prettiest I’ve seen. The idea with the stars is nice – I like that concept of making shooting stars with them. And those fabrics look good in the plus pattern – I think it will have a neat effect. My oldest UFO on my list is “only” from 2009 (Let’s Build a Snowman), but the oldest one I have is from 1992. I think I’m saving that one for the last, so it hasn’t made the list yet.

    • littlemushroomcap@gmail.com Reply

      Hi Lynette!

      Thank you for all the lovely comments and for hosting the 18 in 2018!! Looking forward to seeing all the progress of the UFO in the group.

  3. I would say that mine is similar in size to yours. I’ve got about 1/2 dozen quilt tops that need quilted. Plus, numerous WIP’s that are not completed tops. It seems that I end up starting new projects because I see something that I just “have” to sew, or I am limited on time and I cannot get started on quilting a quilt. Good Luck on your list! (I’m not a very good blogger because that takes away from my little sewing time that I have.)

    • littlemushroomcap@gmail.com Reply

      It does take away sewing time!! But I love blogging too much to leave it. 🙂
      Hope you are getting your quilt top quilted this year. May time be with you 🙂

  4. Gayle Salyers Reply

    Your quilts to be are gorgeous! I have 4 WIPs 2 years old and 4 tops I did tin 2017 ready to be quilted- almost completed 1 so far. You can do it!

  5. By the way, I am SEW GLAD you joined us! I love all of your projects because I love multifabrics in a quilt. I get bored with one or two color/fabric quilts. I love your style!

    • littlemushroomcap@gmail.com Reply

      Thank You so Much Deana! I am like you, I get bored with one/two colours. I do love to look at them, but I don’t think I am patient enough to work on two colour quilts… 🙂

  6. I am so impressed by your organized lists! I have done a short list of goals for 2018 with some 3 mo targets to keep me on track. My oldest ufos are 3 quilts from about 15 yrs ago.i am not sure whether they will ever move up to wips again but I am not ready to purge them . I love, love, love the your Courthouse Steps quilt. I have been looking for the right project for my Liberty and this maybe it!

    • littlemushroomcap@gmail.com Reply

      Thank You Mary! There are projects like that for sure, I myself find it hard too purge too!

  7. Oh dear! My UFO List is much longer. In fact, I still haven’t finished the second quilt I ever made; A flower applique quilt from 1987. But since returning to quilting, I have been able to pick up old projects and actually finish them. I love your list. I had a similar experience with the Aviatrix Medalian quilt. But I never even cut it out. I Did swipe a lot of the fabrics for other quilts. My daughter looked at it over Christmas break and didn’t like the fabric mix either.(She says she likes “modern”. So I wanted her opinion on this quilt.) We both agreed that the pattern is good and will work for us in other colors.

  8. I forgot to say, “Thank you” for the free motion hearts page. This is something I have not conquered yet. But my list of UFO’s wishes I would. Maybe it is because I prefer to hand quilt (don’t ask me when I was able to complete a hand-quilted quilt last). I have a question too. I read your blog about blogging yesterday. I was wanting to know how you quilted those blankets you made for several special children.?

    • littlemushroomcap@gmail.com Reply

      you are most Welcome Kara, I do love hand-quilted quilts. But I know me, my hand works are the slowest project of them all. I can’t sit and sew by hand. But I think I do need to start hand-quilting because the outcome is just so lovely. Anyway, your question about the blanket for the special children, I am not sure I have talked about that in this blog. Let me know what are you referring to. Thanks!

  9. My oldest UFO… is … are you ready ?
    When I was 19… I started .. a set of embroidery flower blocks ( came as a kit ) I think they are 12” or 16” ( I have them in a box under my sewing table )!
    Well…. I’m 66 yrs old ! I think I have about 4 left undone! To my quilters eye now they are very… sloppy(?) … but yet I can’t seem to part with them either ? lol

  10. Pingback: Friday Finish: Scrappy Quilt Finish – The Little Mushroom Cap: A Quilting Blog

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