
I am thrilled to share a heartwarming tale that recently unfolded in my quilting journey. In the vast and interconnected world of online quilting communities, I had the pleasure of connecting with a kindred spirit—someone I’ve never met in person but who shares the same passion for quilting, Janis. In a delightful twist of fate, Janis contacted me asking if she could send me a collection vintage 1980s quilt magazines. 

The Unforgettable Gift: A set of Vintage Quilt Magazines

As the package arriving at my doorstep all the way from the other side of the world, I was very much in awe that someone so kind is sending me something that she felt was worth gifting it to me. As I unwrapped it, I discovered a treasure trove of vintage quilt magazines from the 1980s, each one a time capsule of quilting history. I squealed with excitement!

These magazines were beautifully kept together and I truly appreciate that Janis had thought of me when she contacted me to send them, I will certainly treasure it. The nostalgia hit me instantly as I thumbed through the pages, I remembered all the fun time I had when I found a few of these magazines when I used to go to flea markets and garage sales.  The thing I love about these magazine is discovering a world where quilting patterns were intricate, colors were bold, and creativity knew no bounds. The quilts I see today have existed way long and have just been revamped in different colours and fabrics. So many inspirations. 

These magazines even came with a set of binder to keep them together! Such a classic way too to put the magazines in place.

Connecting Quilters

What makes this gift even more special is the connection it represents. Despite the physical distance between Janis and me, the shared love for quilting has bridged the gap. It’s a testament to the power of virtual communities, where friendships can bloom, and genuine gestures of kindness can transcend the digital realm. I feel like we live in a kind world despite of whats happening right now, there are hopes for kindness and it couldn’t have came at a better time. So thank you Janis, your kindness means a lot to me. I actually did teared up when I opened the package. She definitely went through quite a hassle to post these to me.

Diving into the Past through Vintage Quilt Magazines

These vintage quilt magazines are not just a collection of patterns; they are a glimpse into the quilting culture of the 1980s. The pages are filled with designs that echo the trends of that era—geometric shapes, vibrant colors and what interest me are also the way the articles are written, similar to the digital realm of blogging, these magazines are like the vintage version of scrolling through blog posts to the quilting community back then. Flipping through them feels like stepping into a time machine, where every stitch tells a story of the quilters who came before us. I just love reading throught he articles written by quilters in that time. Quilters spilled their secrets, shared their triumphs and epic fails, and gave us a sneak peek into their creative minds. It’s like they were saying, “Hey, check out this amazing thing I made!” just like we do on our blogs today.

I’ll share a few of the pages here. However, I am not sure whether I am violating copyright if I am just giving these very few pages. If you know, please let me know. I don’t want to get into trouble but really wanted to share with you of some of the fun articles are in these magazines. 


As I delve into these magazines, I find myself inspired by the craftsmanship and creativity of quilters who paved the way for the vibrant community we have today. The patterns are a blend of tradition and innovation, reminding me that the art of quilting is a living, evolving tradition.

Quilting Legacy

In a world that often moves at a dizzying pace, these vintage magazines serve as a reminder to slow down, appreciate the craftsmanship of yesteryear, and preserve the legacy of quilting. Each page holds a piece of history, and I feel a sense of responsibility to carry this legacy forward with respect and admiration.To my online friend, Janis who made this extraordinary gift possible—thank you. Your generosity has not only enriched my quilting experience but has also strengthened the bonds that make our online quilting community so special. Though miles apart, we are connected through a shared love for this timeless art form.

As I embark on this journey through the past with my newfound vintage quilt magazines, I am filled with gratitude for the unexpected connections that quilting has brought into my life. These magazines are not just patterns on paper; they are threads that weave together a tapestry of friendship, nostalgia, and the enduring beauty of quilting. So, my fellow quilt-loving bloggers, the next time you flip through those vintage magazines, remember, you’re holding a piece of quilty history. It’s like reading the first chapter of the quilting blog we all contribute to today – a timeless tale of creativity, community, and quilting love.

I am certain that these magazines will be a wellspring of inspiration. I’ll be updating the blog with projects inspired by these gems, So stay tuned for the that creative journey ahead!

Till next time,

Happy quilting, and may your own quilting journey be filled with unexpected moments of joy and connection.


  1. Ada Chinery Reply

    What a lovely surprise to see and touch history!
    Janis knew you were the right gal to preserve this lot of quilting material.
    As I go to organize my sewing room, I’m looking through all the papers and books that I have collected. Even today I’m dropping of some books to a friend that will appreciate them!
    I believe that we need to save them so the next generation will have them as resources.
    Not the recycling!

  2. Thank you Amira. I really enjoyed reading the articles from the vintage quilt magazines you received. It is so easy to get caught up in busy, busy, busy but reading those articles slowed me down to capture some peaceful time and wonderful thoughts.
    Thanks again.

  3. Barb Leupold Reply

    What a wonderful treasure . Most of my magazines I have ripped special articles out of. None is still intact and that is sad.

    I enjoyed reading about yours. They are wonderful. Thanks for sharing them with us.

    currently traveling in Colombia, South America. Returning home soon to Arlington, Virginia, USA

  4. I recently acquired a quilting magazine from the USA Bicentennial in 1976, when there was a renewed interest in quilting as folks wanted to make patriotic quilts. I love looking through it. I agree with Cathy and find it funny how the eighties are vintage. And even funnier that the music of my youth is now the “ oldies!”

  5. Amira, I wonder what David Knox thinks about his mother’s quilting, some 34 years later, and the quits she made? If you look at that article as being from approx 1989 and he was a college student at that time then he is now a middle aged man (51-56) with a family of his own, maybe even grandchildren. Wonder if Anne is still quilting?

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