A slow but a moving one for sure.
I have made some progress on grandmother’s flower garden.
It just crossed my mind that this might be done when I am a grandmother myself. Haha.
I don’t mind the slow progress, I love the process itself already.
That’s the fun thing about crafting or quilting. The process itself is already worth the effort.
I shall be updating from time to time to make a record on the progress of this quilt.
So here are some progress photos for today:
Grandmother’s Flower Garden
This is the project I started in 2015 falling following my favourite book and quilter .
Since this post, it has been almost 5 years in the making. Haha.
I am using my own printable paper for this project. The one for quotes on them. I love it. You can get them through the resource library or here.
I used a white thread for all of the stitching. Just lazy me.
However, I did try two different stitches.
The ladder stitch and the whip stitch.
The ladder stitch is better at hiding the stitches (the red bloom on the right in the photo below).
The whipstitch is more visible (in the brown bloom on the left in the photo below). Although I personally don’t really mind.
You can find out how to do any of this stitches in this post of various stitches for EPP.
I have a couple more baby flower to turn into a mother flower and few more diamonds to complete.
Then I’ll be basting lots of low volume backgrounds.
I ran out of fabrics to add in more variety to the quilt. I wanted the quilt to be made out of the same line. But the fabric line is long out of print so, I asked some of the quilters over at Instagram to see if anyone are willing to sell theirs.
Lucky me there were a few wonderful quilters who replied and sent me some of their stash to help me finish this!
Well, that is it for a little update on that project.
What have you been working on?
Do you have an EPP project on the go too?

I am also working on this quilt for atleast the last 5 years! Thanks for your email updates/newsletters- I love reading them ?
Amira, your Flowers are just amazingly beautiful
The colors and patterns are so restful and exquisite
Your daughter is beautiful! Congratulation
Congratulations on your new little one. Those days are long behind me. I don’t know how you do all that you do. Of course I was active in my younger days. My youngest grandson is 9 and he is in another state so I don’t get to see him often. But we do Facetime on our iPads and I am so thankful for that but it is hard keeping up with him. Right now I can’t find my energy but I know it will come back. I am going to try and get my sewing room re-organized snd hopefully I will get back to my UFO’s. You take care and give your little one a kiss and hug from me.