Welcome to my turn for the fabulous Oakshott ColourShott Bloghop hosted by Lynne over at lily’s quilt. Hop on there if you haven’t seen the others. If you are new here, I most welcome you to browse around my blog too.
A couple of month ago, I received the fabulous 10″ stack of the New ColourShott Oakshott 31-57 and ever since then, my head kept thinking of the possibilities of quilts that I can make with them. I love the various range of colours and the crispy feel of these fabrics.
I then got an idea from . I wanted to make something similar to one of the sock pattern in the book.
So I ended up making the quilt on top. I did begin with a different layout idea and changed the layout as I go. I like the final look.
I have put up a simple tutorial, so now you can also make it too!
Quilt Tutorial: Oakshott Cotton Modern Log Cabin
You will need, 1 whole stack of 10″ ColourShott Oakshott and 1 yard of light value fabric as background. I used white sand.
You can also make this using and
For each block,
Light Value Fabric
4 pieces 1.5” square
4 pieces 1.5 x 2.5”
4 pieces 1.5 x 3.5”
4 pieces 1.5 x 4.5”
5 strips 1 x 10” (stripy sashings in the block)
1 piece 2 x 2 “ (middle cornerstone in the block)
Dark Value Fabric
4 pieces 1.5” square
4 pieces 1.5 x 2.5”
4 pieces 1.5 x 3.5”
4 pieces 1.5 x 4.5”
4 pieces 1.5 x 5.5”
5 strips 1 x 10” (stripy sashings)
How to piece quarter log cabin block:
Piece the 1.5” pieces/strips as follows: this is just simply a quarter log cabin block.
Instruction how to make stripey sashing
The stripey sashing can be made by piecing alternate dark and light value of 1” strips, 5 strips of dark and light and you should end up with a stripy band of 5.5 x 10″. Slice this band into 4 of 2 x 5.5” pieces.
Piece all 8 blocks together with the sashing and the corner stones as follows. Piece the sashing to the quarter log cabin block. Then piece the centre sashing (piece the sashing to corner stones first) to the blocks.
I then trim my blocks slightly just to square them nicely. They can measure 12″ or 11.75″ square. depending on how accurate is your 1/4″ seam. I do find that my standard 1/4″ seems to be slightly more than usual with these fabrics, I guess the thickness of the fabric is slightly different from the standard quilting cotton.
Once all the blocks are done, piece the blocks together by putting a sashing of 2” strip between the blocks. I made some blocks with more negative space just to give a little variation. You can do this by inserting 5.5” square block instead of the log cabin block.
I quilted it with matchstick quilting along each crosses all the way to the edge using a . I finished the quilt off with a binding in the same colour as the sashings. I love it! Perfect size for wall hanging and making a statement piece.
I hope you like it too and if you make one, tag me on instagram or flickr! Plus – with this simple tutorial -you can also make it as large as you want or as small! maybe even a throw pillow!
And although this was made using the Oakshott cotton -which was beautiful to work with, you can also make them in any fabrics or a layer cake.
If you are looking for fabrics, I would love to recommend online shopping HERE> I love their customer service, cheap capped international shipping (since I am an international) and their fabric bundle comes in such a beautiful package.
Till next time, have a fabulous crafty time!

I love shot cottons – this is stunning Amira !
Pingback: Little Mushroom Cap Log Cabin Bloghop | Shotthrough
Where do I find the pattern for the Oakshott Modern Log Cabin quilt? I love it.