
I am ready to quilt this medallion quilt, and I find myself compelled to write a post on the journey of making the quilt. 

When I was making the quilt, I was out of my blogging phase. Instagram kind of took over.

So I didn’t even have an official blog post on the progress. Though it took quite a long time to piece this quilt together.

But I am glad at least I have micro-blogged about it on Instagram. At least I have a sense of the timing and the photos of the progress.

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Progress of a Medallion Quilt

I took the photos off from my Instagram and combine it together so that it will be a part of this blog too. 

So here are some progress shots:

Pattern is by Elizabeth Hartman, The Aviatrix. You can get the pattern HERE>.

I took one day to cut all the pieces in 2014 and then I stalled. For years! Literally, those pieces were just sitting in their own little sandwich bag as suggested by the patterns and I didn’t start until 2017 when I was already back in Malaysia.

I was too scared to start the middle part. Yup those diamonds. 

Once I got the centre block, it went pretty fast getting the blocks done and going round medallion style making the quilt bigger and bigger.

quilt aviatrix medallion style quilt

The piecing was a lot of fun as you can see I took a lot of photos while piecing these. I love that there were a variety of blocks and I learned a lot through the process. 

However, I wasn’t sure with the colours and the fabric line I chose for it. I love it but I also feel like it isn’t calling me. But I think it turned out lovely.

Fabric is Botanic by Carolyn Friedlander. You can find some of her newer lines HERE>

collage aviatrix medallion

I love the little blocks of butterflies. 

I love that when I pieced all this, I had no more cutting to do. It was all prepped before. If you have never bought Elizabeth Hartman’s Pattern, you should try one of her many beautiful patterns. She always include a thorough prep in her pattern and also give tips on organization. 


I realised though I did a mistake with the last butterfly border as the corner happens to have the same direction butterflies. Oops. But I didn’t take it off. (last photo above)

Today, it is already well basted, I basted using my favourite 505 Spray and secure it again with sparse basting pins. 


But, I have been stalling to quilt it for about a year already. Mainly because I am not sure whether to custom quilt it or to simply do an allover design. 

What do you think?? Should I custom quilt it or just go for an allover design?

It will be fun to custom quilt it, but that will take quite a while… 

Chime in your thoughts. Leave a comment, and I’ll weight in. 


  1. Wow, that quilt certainly looks different in those pastel shades. Very nice! Since this quilt is for yourself, and it took a large amount of time, I’d say go for custom. There are a lot of fun designs you can play with in what is essentially a lot of ‘free space’ that will show the quilting. But if you are tired of it and just want to get ‘er done, then quilt an all over design. Either way, it’s lovely!

  2. That’s a lot of work Amira!!! And it’s beautifully done. Nobody’s going to notice the tiny little butterfly error. And as my quilting friends say, “There are NO quilt police!”
    I am just now working on a baby quilt on which I’m quilting a paisley design. It’s taking me s-o-o-o much time and it’s just a little one! If I had made your quilt, I think I’d do a moderately simple all-over design. I saw one recently called Seed Pod. I looked like a simple flame shape that had been echo-quilted twice making a shape within a shape within a shape. I’m going to try it on another quilt I’ve made where I think it will look very nice. Good luck with whichever way you choose.

  3. Florence H. Reply

    I’m going to try to do a quilt as you go starting in the middle. I hope to do it in two stages. Wish me luck.

  4. Pingback: How to tackle unfinished objects (UFOs) in your quilting pile – The Little Mushroom Cap: A Quilting Blog

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