
slow stitching


Welcome to the series of my slow stitching projects documentation.

Basically, I wanted to document the slow progress of my hand-stitched projects on a weekly/forthnightly basis for a couple of reasons:

  1. I wanted to make myself accountable and make sure I do sit and enjoy hand-stitching at least one session per week.
  2. Documenting progress is always something I love to do. In fact, that is why this blog started anyway.
  3. To create excitement even with little progress. Small progress does matter!
  4. I hope I can inspire you to do the same too. So share your slow stitching projects you’re working on too in the comments.

For this week, what has been growing?

Welcome to the series of my slow stitching projects documentation.

Basically, I wanted to document the slow progress of my hand-stitched projects on a weekly/forthnightly basis for a couple of reasons:

  1. I wanted to make myself accountable and make sure I do sit and enjoy hand-stitching at least one session per week.
  2. Documenting progress is always something I love to do. In fact, that is why this blog started anyway.
  3. To create excitement even with little progress. Small progress does matter!
  4. I hope I can inspire you to do the same too. So share your slow stitching projects you’re working on too in the comments.

For this week, what has been growing?

Welcome to the series of my slow stitching projects documentation.

Basically, I wanted to document the slow progress of my hand-stitched projects on a weekly/bi-weekly basis for a couple of reasons:

  1. I wanted to make myself accountable and make sure I do sit and enjoy hand-stitching at least one session per week.
  2. Documenting progress is always something I love to do. In fact, that is why this blog started anyway.
  3. To create excitement even with little progress. Small progress does matter!
  4. I hope I can inspire you to do the same too. So share your slow stitching projects you’re working on too in the comments.

For this week, what has been growing?

Welcome to the 2nd posts of my slow stitching projects documentation.

Basically, I wanted to document the slow progress of my hand-stitched projects on a weekly/bi-weekly basis for a couple of reasons:

  1. I wanted to make myself accountable and make sure I do sit and enjoy hand-stitching at least one session per week.
  2. Documenting progress is always something I love to do. In fact, that is why this blog started anyway.
  3. To create excitement even with little progress. Small progress does matter!
  4. I hope I can inspire you to do the same too. So share your slow stitching projects you’re working on too in the comments.

For this week, what has been growing?

Welcome to the first series of my slow stitching projects documentation.

Basically, I wanted to document the slow progress of my hand-stitched projects on a weekly/bi-weekly basis for a couple of reasons:

  1. I wanted to make myself accountable and make sure I do sit and enjoy hand-stitching at least one session per week.
  2. Documenting progress is always something I love to do. In fact, that is why this blog started anyway.
  3. To create excitement even with little progress. Small progress does matter!
  4. I hope I can inspire you to do the same too. And that’s why I put a linky party at the end of this post where you can share your slow-stitching projects too. And to spark it up, I have a giveaway to start this party!

For this week, what has been growing?