

I ran the top 2019 over here for my quilting Instagram feed and though I have been a little quiet there as compared to the blog and newsletters, I think Instagram did catch some of my best make in the year of 2019.
So here it is: 
My Quilting Instagram page is Amira_littlemushroomcap
Quilting on instagram
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From the top nine of my quilting Instagram account,


what I first notice is,  

The hotpad took 3 squares out of 9 which was pretty obvious as I tried (yup, tried) to complete 52 hotpads in a year. Although I failed to follow through, I was pretty happy with the amount of hotpads I got done this year and it was such a pleasure sharing the process and tutorials with you on this blog. 
Currently it is at 22 hotpads and I am continuing this project in the year 2020 and hopefully, we’ll get to that 52 hotpads.
You can check all the tutorials for the hotpad so far in the latest post here>

I believe in no failures, only lessons. 

So what have I learned?
  • a challenge always pushes me to expand my creativity, and allow me to work my skill
  • A challenge that is pursued is always better than none. I did end up with 22 hotpads this year which could have easily been none if I did not challenge myself to do this challenge
I may have overestimated what I can do in a week. With a full-time job, two little kids, a home to care for and other ‘behind the scene of a blog’ tasks… I sometimes get exhausted and just want to chill. I love being busy, productive but there are times that I just simply need to chill a little. Do a little more gardening, a little more NetFlix and just simply enjoy the free time. 
Regardless, a challenge is always fun but I should want to be careful not to stress out too much if I could not get to it. 


Two scrappy quilts also got the place in there in which one is fully completed (the scrappy trip is blogged here) and the other (the scrap vomit) is still lying in my unfinished object (UFO) pile. Too little as a quilt – that’s what I say to myself. 
I find it hard to finish up small quilts, I just feel like they need to be bigger before I continue to baste. I feel like I need to add a border to the quilt. But we’ll see.


A glimpse of my sewing room is also there, and a photo of me. These two photos were when I joined in Quilter’s Planner photo a day in January. I feel like I want to do this again in 2020. If you are on Instagram, come and join over too. 
have a virtual sewing retreat in your own space.
My sewing setup today is still very similar, I think it is the best as of now until we get a room just for my sewing space. Right now, I share the space with my kid’s bedroom. We are planning to be renovating soon for another two or three-bedrooms extended to our current house. 


The other two photos are of the Rocket Star Quilt in which I joined a quilt along hosted by Fat Quarter Shop.
quilting make a quilt
Quilt-along like this is fun and always gets more engagement as compared to other posts. I also love visiting other people during the quilt-along. There’ll be many quilt-along in the coming 2020. 

What’s coming in 2020 as for my quilting plan?

While I have lots of quilting plans for 2020, I will try to focus on tying up some ends to the UFO pile before starting new quilts. 
I am so excited for 2020 and the crafty endeavors it will bring.

What are your plans?? Share them with me by commenting below. 

Ever thought about which quilt batting is best for your quilt? You have a quilt top done, and just before we get to quilt it, we need to make a quilt sandwich, and then the batting comes to mind. Which one should you use? 

How do you choose the correct and best quilt batting? 

In this post, we’ll discuss different types of batting and I’ll give you some suggestions to which quilt batting you should use.