
free motion quilting



So here is my first post officially here on the new site! Thank you for bearing with me while I get my new header up, and sort the pages and tabs above. I am planning to do so in the next few weeks.

Anyways, after rereading my About page while transferring it here, I realized I haven’t shared the latest view of my sewing space which is ever changing from time to time. We have limited space and things have to move around to fit. This few months, my sister is here visiting me, and I made sure my sewing space has room for a sofa bed. It was a lot of work trying to minimize the things around my sewing room!

Sofa bed
It feels good though, removing things I don’t really need and things that I know I can never have time for. I also found some old W.I.Ps which I am eager to come back to.
Sewing area
After all the cleaning and sorting, I have to say I am so much happier with the current organization. Small space, but I am happy to work in it. I even quilted my gigantic swoon quilt with this kind of space and it made me think that, really I don’t need a big space to quilt such a big quilt! Though it would probably be much easier..

Quilting Swoon quilt
So my current W.I.P s that really consume most of sewing time these few days have been this large swoon quilt. I really love and enjoy quilting it though there a times, when I feel like a little regret having to quilt this so densely because it is taking AGES! ..not to mention the many, many bobbins that I have to wind.
Swoon Quilt - quilted except borders
Today I finished quilting all the nine blocks and the sashings which felt really great and a great achievement. I have a crazy idea about quilting the border with trellis fence as the background, but I am having a feeling that it will not get finished anytime soon if I do so. So I am weighing that idea over getting it done as soon as possible! What do you think? Any idea how to quilt it? I’d love to hear it out…

Thanks for visiting me here and wishing you a wonderful weekend!!

Links you may be interested to look into  :  Swoon quilt pattern by Thimbleblossoms , my About page

