
blue quilt


A little more update on the progress of my blue and white Patchwork Barn quilt.

I have posted the previous progress HERE>  and HERE>

From the last post, I have made 12 more blocks and I am happy to say that I only have 9 more blocks to go to complete 72 blocks required for the quilt. 

There are affiliate links within this post in which I may earn a small commission from the links. 

NOTE : I no longer promote Craftsy/Bluprint as I used to due to the way the subscription is currently being carried out. I had the issue of cancelling my subscription when the company changed hand and I find that cancelling through calls is inconvenient. However, I do still stand behind these classes I promote and if you are subscribed, you can surely check these classes I recommend on the platform. If you are looking for another online platform to learn craft such as quilting, do check out CreativeBug. It is much cheaper in subscription (subscribe now 3 months for only $5). Thank you.

Progress matters than perfection.

Little by little you’ll get there.

I love that the process of making a quilt is really about making small progress each day/each session you have.

It reminds you that in life if you want anything – make progress towards it every day. Even just a tiny step.

Even if it just means what you do that day is simply a two minute pray.

I believe in miracles, I believe in the impossible.

I believe that all big things come with little steps. 

And I hope all of you are making that tiny steps towards whatever you are aiming for, be it a calming life, a farmhouse life (my dream), a creative dream or even just to live life the fullest.

Best read for the little progress, big dreams: Cultivate + Make it Happen. 

Anyway, today I have a little update on what’s cooking in my sewing room: