A couple of months ago I made this quilt but never got to share with you here on the blog.
This was a really super quick quilt. Big blocks and no measurements really. I just slash and sew – then trim to size. I love this line, super cute for unisex babies. The fabrics are all from Giraffe Crossing by Riley Blake.
I really enjoyed the simple stippling on this quilt.
The backing with leftover strips. All random. No measurements really.
I guess nothing beats stripey binding! Yeah?
Baby quilts are fun, quick and much loved. Now the quilt lives with a cute baby and am so happy to see it being used.

Your website is really impressive, I love visiting from time to time as I’m moving house setting up new life in a new place. My sewing and quilting have been in a holding pattern that I hope is nearly over so to signup for your newsletter. And take a class from you as well. You are quite amazing with so many creative endeavors, I love color, your site, work and all is amazing.
November will be all mine to settle in and sew for my new place.
Looking forward to asking you many question here soon.
Meanwhile, just want to Hi and compliment your work, incredible. Most of all interesting, challenging that’s motivating and fun.
It always makes me happy to see women especially make their dreams happen and show it can be done. You are creating hope in trying times. Everyone has a talent or 2 or 3, esp those who sew!.
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