Welcome to my sewing & quilting room!!!!
I am really happy with the current setup so and recently when I was cleaning the area, I thought I would just record a video and bring you along for a quick tour around my quilting room.
So here it is, I would love for you to join me over on YouTube as well, I do have a dream of posting a lot more video there and hopefully, that dream will become a reality very soon.
Let me know what you love the most about the space, some of your tips to help me organize better or anything really! Drop me a comment and let’s chat all about sewing and quilting space.
The things I love about the current setup of my quilting room:
- the large combo back-to-back table which makes it easier for me to quilt large quilts. I teach many ways how you can quilt a large quilt on a small machine with the right setup in FMQ Bootcamp but this one is my favourite!
- the DVD rack for my fat quarters
- Mini quilts especially those gifted or swapped by other quilty friends (I miss swapping mini quilts! I should really join one or host one. Would you like to join?)
- my quilt cabinet! I talk about how I painted the cabinet HERE. I love how useful the cabinet is and how it keeps my fabrics, quilts and WIP away from dust.
For the things I mention in this video (some are affiliate links):
- Wool Pressing Mat
- Mini Iron
- Selvedge Tote Tutorial
- I buy most of my fabrics from HERE.
For more ideas on creative space, check out the newly released book: Love your Creative Space.
What is most important to you when organizing your sewing and quilting space?
If you are inspired to reorganize your sewing space or share your current setup too, drop a comment or email me! I would love to hear from you.

Beautiful quilting. Your room is lovely….very organized. I need to get mine reorganized before I begin quilting again.
Hi Amirah, I hope you are well. You sound like you have a cold. Thank you sooooooooh much for the quilt room tour. It’s been so beneficial to me as I’ve had a summer house built outside which has been insulated all around so that I can use it all year round. I’m so excited. Now even more so after seeing your quilting space. So many awesome ideas. I’m in a tiny space at the moment which is actually dangerous as my Shelving has had to be attached to the wall as they were toppling over.
I now realise that I need the double back to back tables like you have, bookshelves so I can read all my quilting and crafting magazines and books. I am so inspired by your little sticky block boards so you can plan blocks that you are making. It’s going to be such a difference to me. I hope you do consider getting yourself a new sewing space when you do your extension. You deserve it for keeping us all entertained and inspired. I’ve found so much inspiration in your blog and I love getting my emails which I store in my little Amirah’s mushroom folder. ? I’ve been unable to start many things which I have ideas for as a result of you sharing what you do, as I’ve not got the room and looking for my things in this tiny space is a nightmare. I am now however going to be able to do all of the above in my little place in the garden which I am going to call, ‘The Craft Shack’ . Thank you Amirah for sharing all you do and for all the tips and help. I have no quilting friends and your blog is the perfect way to find inspiration.
Good luck and be blessed with your new baby. I pray you are well and that this awful virus touches no part of your life or of any of the other quilters. Now masks are mandatory here in the UK for shopping etc, I shall be back making masks for my village and anyone else that needs them. I don’t charge for them but I ask for fabric donations instead to make more. But hopefully I will be back to quilting soon. Thank you Amirah. Love your sewing space.
Hello Amirah,
I love your quilting room!
I am so inspired by you as I also have a small space for my quilting room. You are proof that as long as I stay organized, everything will all work together. I love IKEA for organization supplies. This is my first time watching one of your videos, but look forward to many more. I love your sweet personality. Contractions on another addition to your family.
Thank you for your sewing room tour. I enjoyed looking at all the different ways to organinize fabrics. Congratulations on your having a baby.