

**(This is a free email course sent to those who signed up. If you are not signed up, sign up through the header above)**


FMQ for Beginners Mini Course Day 7, Lesson 6:Practice to progress

Hi ,


Guess what? We have come to an end to this FMQ for Beginners mini-course! I hope you did enjoy the course and did improve… or at least learn how to start free motion quilting.

The idea behind this course was to introduce you to the basic and foundation of free motion quilting. So I hope it did that. If you don’t mind sharing some input and your thought about the Mini-course.

[button url=”https://goo.gl/forms/t3KXeyWe95t2fcYB2″]You can answer a quick survey here.[/button]

I’d love to hear input so that I can improve to help you and the others better.

Practice gives results. Promise. Just keep Practicing!

The Mini-Course may have ended but your free-motion quilting adventure has just started!

So make sure to have a lot of practice and make a couple of items from your practice pieces.

[button url=”https://www.thelittlemushroomcap.com/practical-projects-from-practice-quilt/”]Check out this post for some ideas of what to make from practice pieces.[/button]

Don’t forget to save some of these early practice pieces somewhere safe,  cause one day, when you look back at these practice pieces, you are going to be amazed at how much you have progressed.

I am 100% sure that practice will improve your free motion quilting skill. You know why? Because I was there and still at it!

So I do hope you keep practicing and enjoy it! 


I do have more tips and tricks coming to you but I’ll share more about that in the next email. 

In the meantime, keep on practicing..

CLICK HERE to the email of Day 8 >>