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FMQ for Beginners Mini Course Day 5, Lesson 4:Scale and Space

Hi there ,

How did your practice go?

Are you more confident with stippling now?

I hope you are or at least feels like you are progressing (this is important than having it perfect).

In today’s lesson, I am going be teaching you how to vary this stippling motif, simply by adjusting the scale and the spacing between each quilting lines.

Watch the video lesson below and be sure to tick off your tasks list as you do them.



Varying the spacing between the quilting lines gives a different feel of the quilt. You can choose to have larger spacing to finish up a quick quilt or to have a rather dense quilting for a crispier finish.

Even the same motif can seem a lot different with different scale and spacing.


Which scale or motif size to use?

The scale of the motif matters with the size of project you are working on.

Small projects like potholders will be easier to quilt with the smaller scale (about 1/4″-1/2″ between lines of quilting) while larger quilt projects like a baby quilt can be quilted with larger scale (about 1″-2″ spacing).

Or you can have two different scales in one patchwork block to give a different look and feel. In one area you can do dense motif while a sparse one in another area.

Tasks from today’s lesson:

  • Watch the video
  • practice varying the spacing and scale of the motif
  • make the sampler quilt sandwich with at least three different scale


Well, I hope you get to take some time to do so. And I will see you tomorrow with a project sheet for you to start implementing what you’ve learned…


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