


Hi !

I want to give a bit of a shout out : A new quilt along is coming soon!!! So let’s hop on board!

My lovely friend Crystal over at the Two Little Aussie Bird has designed this beautiful quilt using lots of modern quilting techniques such as the wonky cross, the free-wave borders and those wonky geese.

Photo Courtesy of Two little Aussie Birds

It will be so much fun to quilt along together, learning new improv piecing skills. I love the fact that the wonkiness would actually be quite forgiven rather than having all seams matched up which I did find is difficult, especially when we are doing medallion quilts as we need them to be accurate.

And the fabric choices are basically up to you. You can even use those scraps to make those crosses and geese. This is the time to make something out of those scraps.

And if you haven’t made any medallion quilt before, this is also a great chance as we will be discussing over any difficulties faced or any tips we find along the way.

Photo Courtesy of Two little Aussie Birds

So, let’s get ready!

What you need first, is of course the pattern….which you can purchase here.

Spread the words, grab the button and let’s start the fun by digging into that fabric stash or maybe go for a fabric spree? (like we need any reason for that, but a reason for more fabric buying is always a bit comforting  ðŸ™‚


<div class=“two-little-aussie-birds-modern-medallion-button” style=”width: 180px; margin: 0 auto;”> <a href=”http://twolittleaussiebirds.blogspot.com.au/” rel=”nofollow“> <img src=”https://www.thelittlemushroomcap.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/ModernMedallionbutton.jpg” alt=“2 Little Aussie Birds Modern Medallion Quilt-a-Long” width=“180″ height=“180″ /> </a> </div>

We will be kicking off the Quilt Along on the 1st of June. Here are the others who are joining along the quilt along and would be the stop for the quilt along. Head on over to their blog and get to know them.

06/01 – Week one – Medallion – schnitzel & boo
06/08 – Week two – Border one and two – MsMidge
06/15 – Week three – Border three – KateQuilts
06/22 – Week four – Border four and five – Little Mushroom Cap
06/29 – Week five – Border six and seven – Gnome Angel
07/06 – Week six – Finished quilts (with quilting if done) –Two Little Aussie Birds
We will also be having some great prizes to win, which will be announced soon.  


Just popping in to show you what am I up to… something fun and quick for a large size quilt.

Like I told you before in the previous post, I have enough of throw quilts. Not that I am not a fan, but I feel more love and feel more satisfied with large quilt that can be put on my bed. It is a bit of a hard work, especially quilting it, but the satisfaction…aaah. I love my scrappy trip quilt just to note. That is the only one that is large enough to cover my bed. Others, like the Jack Attack quilt, or the Happy-go lucky quilt is just tad bit too small. They are a single size quilt, but I lay them on the bed anyway.

Swoon Quilt Prep

So, here goes to the first of many to come again bed quilts. Starting with SWOON.! I know most of you are familiar with this quilt by Thimbleblossoms. It’s quick and fast – each block itself measures 24″!. I am making nine blocks with a large printed border.


Swoon Quilt Prep 1

Putting in many of my all-time favourite fabrics in. Some Anna Maria Horner’s, Art Gallery Fabrics, and Kona White.

If you follow me on Instagram here, you get faster updates, but I still love to blog and I love reading blogs, so hopefully it won’t be too quite around here. However though, can’t deny that I love Instagram!!! It is a bit addictive. Say Hi over on my Instagram if you find me there! Here is one pic from my Instagram – the nine blocks all done!

swoon quilt.in progress

I have finish all nine blocks and got all of them pieced together with sashing. Still need to do the border to extend the quilt size and I will most probably piece the backing too. Can’t wait to quilt this soon.


I am back with this quilt and I can say it is finally finished! I put it aside for quite sometimes, after quilting it a quarter way. Then I moved house, and haven’t got the mood to start quilting it again in my smaller sewing space (I shall share with you soon) until last weekend. The quilt has a fold crease now, but I hope it goes away after washing.

Quilt Briar Rose Starry Diamond Equilateral Triangle swirly quilting

I had fun doing free-motion quilting on this quilt. Just swirls and bubbles (or pebbles). The stars were quilted with swirls evolving from the center.

Quilt Briar Rose Starry Diamond Equilateral Triangle Close up

The story behind this quilt? I received my briar rose bundle, decided to cut them as equilateral triangles, then I played around with those triangles. I ended up with this Stars which I group it in Diamond hence the name ~ blergh. Then I decided to add the border. I still have many triangles left, maybe I’ll make another quick baby quilt.

Quilt Briar Rose Starry Diamond Equilateral Triangle by littlemushroomcap 2

Quilt Briar Rose Starry Diamond Equilateral Triangle by littlemushroomcap

I love this line of fabrics, the colours made me smile. Made me wish I have a baby girl. I am going to keep this quilt or probably gift it to my sister.

Quilt Briar Rose Starry Diamond Equilateral Triangle bunting

Quilt Stats :
Fabrics : Heather Rose Briar Rose Collection + Kona White
Size : 58 x 78″
Batting : Warm and Natural Cotton
Machine bound and domestic machine quilted (Janome QCP8200)

Quilt Briar Rose Starry Diamond Equilateral Triangle

Overall, I love the end result, but I wish I have more bed size quilts these days. So, my next projects are going to be more of bed quilts. I love the satisfying feeling of dressing up the bed with quilts I made. What do you do with so many small quilt? My sofa is full, and most of my smaller quilts are just folded, which made me feel sad.

Hope you have a fun holiday! Enjoy the beautiful Spring for those having Spring time, and enjoy Fall for those down-under!

I haven’t officially shown in the blog about the tote I made for my Sew Sew Modern Swap 4. So, here goes some photos of the tote I made with a little pouch.
For my sew sew modern 4 partner, a tote and a small pouch
My partner is the ever so talented Lee, who blogs and creates at Maychappell.  After stalking around, I got a feeling she likes Tula Pink’s fabrics so, I went ahead and purchase some yardage of Acacia.
She mentioned a tote in her preference, so after long thinking of which pattern to use, I decided to create a simple one of my own using the techniques I have learnt from various patterns.
I incorporated some quilt as you go for the front open pocket,
Acacia Tote _ Sew Sew modern 4_hung
A bit of stretchy pocket on the inside, snap buttons for the pleated sides (it can be open to convert into a larger tote)
Acacia Tote _ Sew Sew modern 4
and a folded strap.
Acacia Tote _ Sew Sew modern 4 _ folded strap
As for the small gift, I made a pouch. I wanted to incorporate some hexies on the pouch, so I did. At first I wanted to make a purse using the purse frame I bought sometimes ago, but I failed to make the pattern right so I ended up with a rather unique pouch instead. Oh well…I think the hexies helps making it look cute at least!
Small pouch _ acacia _english paper piecing hexagon
I couldn’t help myself doing some free motion quilting too..
Pouch _ Quilting _ partner's name
I was pretty much happy with both of them and was glad my partner have received and loved them as well.
I am so excited to be a part of few swap this year. I am hoping to join more this year. I really enjoyed making things with others in mind. In fact I have a secret handmade gift making this year for some special followers and lucky followers too ! Wait for it..
Till then, Have a lovely happy days.
I just wanted to share with you what I received from the Doll Quilt Swap 14.
I shared last time what I made. Here is what I received from my secret partner (no longer secret), Ginny!
DQS14 received _ lovely made by Ginny Fishcreekstudio_economy block
DQS14 received _ lovely made by Ginny Fishcreekstudio
The gifts were all very lovely. The quilt is the perfect quilt. I really wanted to join the economy block along hosted by Red Pepper Quilt, but just don’t have enough hands. I really love the colourful blocks Ginny made me.
DQS14 received _ lovely made by Ginny Fishcreekstudio_economy block with other goodies
I am soooo lucky to have this quilt. The additional gifts of stickers made me smile too. I love to use them in my scrapbook.
Well, till then – hope you all will have a great week ahead! I am halfway moving house, my sewing machine is already at the new place but still in a box. I have loads of tidying up and arranging to do!


I have been with the Canberra Modern Quilt Guild since last August and really have been enjoying the meetings and activities. At the end of last year, we received fat eight bundle of Riley Blake fabrics which are to be used for a challenge. The challenge is pretty simple – anything quilted is considered in. I added one more of Riley Blake fabric – the grey sketchy one and the navy solid. I thought of adding the zig zag yellow ones, but didn’t end up using it.
Riley blake MQG challenge _ floor pillow
After watching Jacquie Gering on The Quilt Show some time last week, I decided to start my project by cutting strips with improv log cabin in mind. Played around on the design wall and ended up making a four patch pillow. Each block was about 13 inches square, so the end result was about 25″ square pillow. I had to make a pillow with stuffing to fit inside the cover I made.
Floor Pillow quilte riley blake challenge_improv log cabin 
I did simple line quilting in each area spiraling towards the center. The pillow turns out really useful for laying on the chest while flipping through magazines. I have to say modern does not really fit my house theme, but I love challenging myself and I can’t help loving modern quilts around the quilt world these days too.
Floor Pillow quilte riley blake challenge
deserved to saty on the sofa too
I love and enjoyed making this pillow without having any measurements to stick to. Just sew and trim! Love the flexibility.
Well, till next time
I have been blessed to join few swaps this year. It is always nice to have such beautiful gifts handmades like the ones I have received recently from the sew sew modern swap 4. There were amazing talents in the group. I would have been happy to receive from any of them. They were definitely gorgeous handmades out there.
My partner, Kirsten made me this beautiful large tote. I  have been spying on Super Tote that pops here and there lately and loved it that I got the chance to own one without making it! And it is just gorgeous and roomy.
Received Lovely Supertote from Kirsten67 - Copy
Kirsten made it with one of my favourite fabric too – Martha Negley’s feather! I adore it so much. And it looks so lovely with photos of it taken outdoor don’t you think? My lovely partner also made the feather block for the front of the tote which I think is amazing! Love it. Could not say more.
Back of Supertote Received_sew sew modern 4 - Copy
Sew Sew Modern4 Received - Copy
top closure of Supertote Received_sew sew modern 4 - Copy
Supertote _ Made by Kirsten for me sew sew modern swap 4 - Copy
Not only that… I am so lucky to now own a crochet hook roll up too! She totally gets me  – I needed this! My crochet adventure has recently begun and am slow but moving with my first crochetted garment – the Rosalind Cardigan, pattern from Issue 47, Inside Crochet Magazine.

Crochet hook Roll up _ Received sew sew modern 4 _ made by Kirsten67 - Copy

Crochet hook Roll up2 _ Received sew sew modern 4 _ made by Kirsten67 - Copy
She has also included few other goodies… Swoon. I feel so lucky. I love them all. Mushrooms – definitely something I love!

Other goodies received _ sew sew modern 4 - Copy 

Till my next share,


DQS14 finished
I finished quilting this little quilt and ready to send it, but I would like to throw in more goodies for my Doll Quilt Swap 14 partner, so I will be getting it posted on the 24th hopefully with more goodies.
Stripping _DQS14
It was a fun quilt to make, though I got a bit stressed out with the seam points not matching. The little squares are 0.5″ finished and I guess it was totally out of my league to get those points to match! I wasn’t really happy at first, but I am pretty happy with the end result though.
Seams behind mini blocks
Scrappy and fun little tiny squares. More like confetti and I guess the mismatches brings out modern vibe to it too.
DQS14 ready to hang
I played with the free motion quilting too, especially in the negative blocks. I love Irish Chain. They are lovely to quilt with. I made an Irish Quilt (link here) when I started free motion quilting and it has definitely taught me a lot.
DQS14 label in front
Practice is the best teacher. I cannot stress that more – practice is the best way to improve free motion quilting. Give it a try. Try a mini quilt. They are fast to get done and they are definitely small enough to fit under those domestic sewing machines. The most important thing is have fun!!
Well, till then I am hoping my swap partner would love this quilt.
I wanted to start this year by organizing all of my work in progress and getting them done this year. The Finish Along 2014 Linky Party  is a great way to organize this and having to review them each quarter of the year is a fantastic idea. I think I might need more than a quarter to finish all the list below, but we will see. You never know I might be more organized this year and get more things done.
1. First on top of the list are the ones bounded by due dates : Doll Quilt Swap 14 and Sew Sew Modern Swap 4. Both are to be done and sent in quarter 1. I have chosen fabrics for SSM4 and have cut pieces for DQS14
DQS14 progress
2.  I have the Briar Rose “Stars and Diamonds” quilt basted and probably less than a quarter quilted and need this to be finished by the end of quarter 1.

3.  I started a journey of crocheting a lovely cardigan in Issue 47 of Inside Crochet Magazine on new year’s eve. Hoping to get it finished before the cold weather comes (I’m in Australia and the cold weather are coming in June)
Crochet Rosalind cardigan - first progress Jan week1
Crochet Rosalind cardigan - first progress Jan week1_angle photo
4.  A sock knitted a quarter way will also need to be done before the chills come
Socks Knitting_Rosebud Socks _ two at a time sock _ handknit _
5.  I really wish I could finish Marcelle Medallion but that sound almost impossible in this quarter 1 but I’ll list it anyway and if fail to finish by this quarter maybe it will make it to the next quarter.marcelle growing
Other W.I.Ps that need attention and will definitely not make it to the Finish Along Quarter due dates are:
Lucky Star BOM
Lucky Star BOM August Addition
Crochet Blanket
Crochet Granny squares blanket _7
Patchwork Please Swedish Bloom Quilt
Patchwork Please Swedish Bloom and Up Up and Away from Sunday Morning Quilt
So far,the year 2014 has been excellent and I love my new organizer of the year 2014 from Miss Tiina so far! 
I love Miss Tiina’s designs and she has TONS of FREEBIES on her website. You should definitely check it out and I recommend you the printable 2014 Journal too. I LOVE IT!

Another thing I might just mention here, I have a crazy idea of starting a project life too to keep this year in jo
urnals/scrapbook. It would be pushing too much, but I think it could be worth of the wee hours of less sleeps!

Linking up to FAL 2014 Q1 and W.I.P Wednesday