Here is a little progress I made this week, and it is on a scrappy quilt. My favourite kind of quilt.
I didn’t have much time to sew this week, and I crave for some sewing time by the end of the week.
This morning, I pulled out my long left out leaders and enders project from the top drawer of my sewing table and I brought them out from my sewing room (where my little boy is still asleep when I have free time to sew) to my living room where I have another machine set up (this sewing cabinet closes into a small buffet table, this one is Australian made – you can find similar table HERE if you are in the US)

Originally I planned to work on these in between other projects. Hence it was going be my leaders and enders project. And that is the reason it was on my top drawer under my sewing machine.
But let’s be honest here, I never got to it.

Well, at least I tried right?
Anyway, this week I only had 5 minutes here and there, and I got 4 more blocks done.
2 of each, the A set and the B set.
It is all in making time for it. Even little time adds up!
The thread mess on the yoga pant is always a sign of a good sewing time.

The pattern of this quilt is SCRAP VOMIT by Katy at “I’m a Ginger monkey”, but the website is now closed and I can’t redirect you to the pattern.
But they are basically a 7×7 of 2.5″ patches. The A block is all scrappy, whereas a diamond shape pattern is arranged for block B.
Hmmmm, let me tell you a little secret : I started the first block in 2012! That is about 7 years in the making.
That’s okay, there’s love in every quilt made no matter how long they’ve been stashed away before it finally got done right?
[related post: Scrappy Trip Quilt I and Scrappy Trip Quilt II]

I pulled out the stashed pressed blocks and rearranged it and I so want to call it done.

Pressing seams open for a Scrappy quilt. Is it worth the time?
I usually don’t press open but scrappy quilts like this makes me cringe when I think about all the seams to match!
It is crazy work I must say to press it all open. In the end, I didn’t think it was worth it.
Besides, I feel like seams press to side is much stronger. And pressing open actually made it harder to match seams between blocks because they glide over so easily as there’s no nesting.
Hm, maybe I rather have bulky seams than having to deal with all this. How about you?

So, I think I am ready to put this together into a quilt top and get it quilted.
Initially my plan was to make it a large queen size quilt, but I figured a finish would be great too. Besides, I was running out of the yellow little blocks for the centre of the B blocks.
There are plenty of pieced rows still, and maybe I’ll make another one next time, similar but different.
I rarely make smaller size quilt, as we don’t really need to cuddle under them in Malaysia’s hot weather, but I love the idea of having just small little quilts that is easy for me to gift away.
I think I have enough of king/queen size quilts for now.
How about you? What size quilt do you like to make? Do you love scrappy quilt too?Leave a comment down below.