As a quilter, we all know how much it costs to make a quilt. The fabrics, the batting, and the time that is taken to make it. To top that off, when you are almost done making it, comes the cost of quilting.
It can be quite a hustle to send out a quilt top for quilting every time you make one. Even the baby quilt.
One downside is that you don’t have the freedom to control the timing of the finished quilt.
And secondly, the cost.
Couldn’t you just finish quilting it on your own machine? That is probably the thing that runs in your mind.
Believe me, I know just how you feel!

The beginning of my Free Motion Quilting journey:
I started quilting when I was a student in Australia and I was on student allowances. I fell in love with quilting and started making a patchwork quilt top the day I bought my sewing machine.
The fabrics together with the battings and all the other notions I needed to make a quilt was already taking quite a big chunk of my budget.
But I really wanted to start this quilting hobby, so I went ahead regardless.
However, the thing that made me cringe the most is that I found out that the cost of quilting the final quilt top is almost as much as the fabrics have costed me.
Which means, if I finished a quilt top, I’d have to find more money to get it done.
That was when I decided to learn how to finish a quilt on my own. Using my own sewing machine.
Not just a simple regular straight line quilting, but any design I want it to be.
So that was the very beginning of my free motion quilting adventure. And I have never turned back.

And I’m glad today I never have to think about the cost of sending out a quilt to get it quilted. Cause I can easily have it done at home, on my regular sewing machine. (of course, I upgraded my machine which is still a regular domestic machine after I found out I’ll be doing more quilting)

Your turn to start quilting your quilts!
Now, now, you must be wondering, why am I telling you all this?
Well, if you have been wanting to finish your own quilt and learn how to free motion quilt – I want to let you know that I have all the resources for you. Free on the blog, free email courses, and even a paid step-by-step course: The Free Motion Quilting Bootcamp. Just simply pick how you want to start and just get to it.

This July, to spark off the motivation to get you started or restarting your journey to conquer free motion quilting, I am hosting a SUMMER FREE MOTION QUILTING CHALLENGE beginning 13th July to 27th July.

Free Motion Quilting BOOTCAMP will be sponsoring the challenge with some prizes – 2 Gift Cards from Fat Quarter Shop (Valued at $50 and $25) and Amazon Gift Card worth $25. If there are many more joining in, I’ll be sure to throw in some fabric packs from my stash too!. These prizes are just for fun. The more you share whatever progress you have during this Summer Free Motion Quilting Challenge, the higher the chances for you to win these prizes!
Now, if you are in Free Motion Quilting Bootcamp, you’ll have another chance on the closed Facebook group there too. So, are you in??

How to participate:
Join me over on the Facebook group HERE> and share any free motion quilting practice (videos or photos) that you are working on over the challenge period of time (13th July – 27th July)
If you don’t have a Facebook account, not to worry, you can also email me and I’ll be sure to post them up to share with the others in the group and over here on the blog. Each of the entries qualifies you for a chance to win the prizes!!!!!
If you don’t know what to practice on at all… check out the guides in these courses: