Whether that is just to quilt by stitching in the ditch, to stitch straight lines or even free motion quilting it. Or hand quilting it (which I believe will take even longer).
In the end, it will depend mostly on two factors.
One, the final outcome.
Whether you want it densely quilted, the overall fluffiness of the quilt, the look you are targetting for etc.
Two, the time it will take to complete the quilting.
Time will vary for different people depending on their capabilities. However, I do believe that with enough practice and motivation, one can master all type of design motif easily.
Though, they’ll still have to think about the time for some quilting designs are denser and requires a longer time to get it done.
Sometimes, a quilt just needed to be finished.
and that is when a few designs that are easily done and quick to do is a must have in your repertoire.
Today I’ll share you my go-to free motion quilting design that I often use to finish up a quilt.
Psss.. mostly the quilt that I need to get quickly done are those baby quilts that I need to gift the next day! LOL.
#1. Mendearing free motion quilting design
of course, stippling or mendearing is on the list.
This is the very first motion design I learned, and what I also suggest newbie free motion quilter try too.
It is one of the easiest to do, though some people may find that not overcrossing the line can be kind of hard.
Well, guess what, I crossed over in lots of my earlier quilts and the best thing is, it shall improve with more and more of it done. You’ll get the hang of it quick enough if that was your issue, just keep going, don’t bother stop and unpick those crossed-over stitches.
However though, just before you do all those practicing on the machine, I highly recommend practice doodling the motif first. Keep on doodling to install this memory pattern in your brain. This way, when it comes to quilting it, the memory muscle will take action and you’ll be surprise that it is not as hard as you thought it’d be.
#2. Loop de Loop free motion quilting design
This one can be a lot easier than mendearing due to the fact that you can cross over quilted lines.
For me, this one is also faster. However, you do have to maintain the loops sizes within the range so that it does not look too scattered.
You will also have to be careful not to make one area denser than the other. Just control the spacing between the quilting stitches rather even.
I do not particularly love the final feel of the quilt though as I find that the quilting is rather sparse. However, this can easily be trade-off by quilting more loops and making them denser.
Again, doodling it would be best to start practicing this motif. It is definitely a great one to have in your list of quilting skill.
My I heart Quilt was done with a simple loop de loop all-over free motion quilting design.
#3. Square Loop de Loop free motion quilting design
If you are not confident with rounded loops, why not try edgy loop de loop.
Not necessarily easier for some people, but some may find that they are. To achieve this look with free motion, you’ll need to make sure that you stop at each corner so that you get sharp corners instead of rounded ones.
And basically, you can cross-over any lines. They just add more characteristics to the design.
I like to make them into loops once and try not to cross-over them anymore. Or you can even not make loops. It’ll be like a stippling with sharp corners. Which makes it look like mazes.
I use this design in some of my early quilts while quilting slowly on the machine and I find it easy enough at the time.
Again, doodling would be best to do first!
Doodling Practice
You know I’ve been talking a lot about doodling practice for each motif and how important it is to build that memory muscle. But what if you don’t even know even how to start?
Well, I am going to share with you a template pattern of this three designs so that you can go trace them over and over so that you get the drills. Once you’ve practiced with the templates, practice on a blank paper and then move on to the sewing machine.
I am sure you’ll be more confident then.
Click the button below or HERE to get your doodle sheet!
Let me know what is your go-to quilting design when you want it quick and done?
Comment down below, we love to hear from you.
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Thank you for keeping me motivated to continue to try new things. I have bought all the supplies in one of your earlier posts for mating quilting, and your style of teaching makes me want to sew a little every day, Sometimes, because of working, I don’t get to sew until the weekend, but with your posts I feel like I have friend cheering me on. Thank you. This is a wonderful gift that you share with the world. Blessings to you and all your endeavors!
Amira, thank you for sharing this.
I do straight lines. I am quiltophobic. I need hand holding.
I will try to do some of these motifs.
I am taking care of my 94 year old daddy and oh gosh, everything is busy for me. I need to go to quilting jail.
thank you so much dear friend for giving these encouraging ideas. I will practive
Amira, thank you for the free motion quilting classes I have been practicing every day and getting so much better, can’t wait to do one of my quilts.
Great ideas. I stay away from traditional meander because so many store bought quilts are meander. My favorite all-over design is the square/boxy meander. Quick, easy and it’s different and gender neutral. For female quilts my go-to is a loopy flower all over.
Were are the free free motion patterns that I cannot seem to find on your website.
Hi there Beverly, simply click the button and allow a pop up form to fill in the email, the templates will be delivered to your inbox.
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