
Welcome to my first post of the 52 weeks of hot pads / quilted pot holders.

I am a little late for kicking this off as the first week of 2019 has already just flown by.

But… I did make this hot pad in the first week. Was just a little late on posting it out on the blog as I am currently having a little bit of technical difficulties behind the scene. Forgive me then if you are going to see me posting two hot pads in a week sometimes.



I thought it would be a great challenge for me to do a pot holder a.k.a hot pads every single week of 2019.

I am planning on having it displayed in my kitchen. They make great decor don’t they?

While I am at it, I am going to be sharing with you a simple tutorial on the process.

You can join in the challenge and make the same hot pads I make every week OR, you can just make your own design or pattern!

Things I love & make this 52 weeks of Hot Pad project a lot more fun:

  • This ruler set – perfect size all of them 
  • This rotating mat – can’t imagine one without this these days. 
  • This Spray Baste – have always been a fan of spray baste, for small quilted projects – a must! although in most of these hot pads I also use pins as they are more than just a single batting in between.
  • This Batting – the perfect one for hot pads. Or in this hot pad, I am using two layers of cotton batting + aluminium insulation sheet in the middle (I love the final crisp sturdy and heat reflect of the final hot pad with this combo)
  • My Fabric Scraps!! – read more how I sort my scraps HERE>
  • Portable quilting design board . I love using the portable design board as it makes it easy to transfer from the cutting table to the side of the sewing machine. You can purchase a portable quilting design board here

This week, I started the challenge easy and simple.

A simple nine patch.

But, with a bias binding. I love rounded corners.


So, here is how I made it.

Simple Nine Patch Quilted Hot Pad / Quilted Pot Holder

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1. Cut out 3″ squares from my chosen scraps.

52 weeks of hot pads_Quilted Pot Holder Tutorial

52 weeks of hot pads_Quilted Pot Holder Tutorial

2. Play around with the layout on a portable design board.

52 weeks of hot pads_Quilted Pot Holder Tutorial


3. Chain piecing the pieces together. Nesting the seams. I press the first and last row towards the sides, and the centre row towards the centre square.

52 weeks of hot pads_Quilted Pot Holder Tutorial

4. Press flat.

5. Cut out the hot pad batting, regular cotton batting and the backing fabric (about and 0.5″ larger on each sides than the final top size). I must say using the hot pad batting helps the hot pads to really hold heat. Having a regular batting to accompany that is also helping that purpose.

52 weeks of hot pads_Quilted Pot Holder Tutorial

6. Baste with pin all 4 layers together. Since there is 4 layers, I find basting pins is the best choice for this purpose. Quilt the layers together. I free motion quilt a stippling design. You can simple straight line quilt. (Use a walking foot if so).


Small projects like this is a great opportunity to practice free motion quilting.

52 weeks of hot pads_Quilted Pot Holder Tutorial

7. Trim the edges, cut out the rounded corners.

8. Make a bias binding tape. (this is how I made mine). Or you can purchase one ready-made. I do encourage you to try and make them yourself though – they are easy enough to make.

Fold diagonally meeting up the straight edges like in the photo.

52 weeks of hot pads | Quilted Pot Holder Tutorial

Cut along the folded line.

Quilted Pot Holder Tutorial

Bring it down and piece along the non-bias edge. The bias edge is not parallel to each other. In the photo below, the top edge is the bias edge. The diagonal where I am about to piece together is the non-bias edge.

Quilted Pot Holder Tutorial

Quilted Pot Holder Tutorial

Now turn it around so that the bias edges are aligned with the vertical lines on the cutting mat.

Quilted Pot Holder Tutorial

Fold if it is long.

Quilted Pot Holder Tutorial

Start cutting strips for the binding. I cut mine 2 1/4″ wide.

Quilted Pot Holder Tutorial

Piece strips together if to make a long bias binding that will be enough to go around the pot holder. I press my binding tape in half and align the raw edges to the quilted pot holder and sew a 1/4″ away from the edge.

Quilted Pot Holder Tutorial


9. Make a hoop and sew that to place first. I simply sew a small piece of rectangular scraps with seams close inside and make a hoop out of that.

Quilted Pot Holder Tutorial

10. Sew on the binding from the back of the hot pad.

Quilted Pot Holder Tutorial

11. Trim the bulky parts and the corners.

12. Flip the binding and sew into place.

52 weeks of hot pads_Quilted Pot Holder Tutorial


Yay to the first hot pad of the year and the first project this year for me…

What is your first project this year?

Could it be this too??

Let me know if you need any help.

For the record, I did a video for this hot pad, but it was taking way too long to upload. I hope the photos from the snapshots of the video helps!

Till next time, have a fun time sewing!

[Check out related post : Crochet edge potholder, potholder gift]


  1. I enjoy checking out your emails since I am I am “On a small projects kick” using small pieces of fabric and strip. Last year I made 33 potholers for a church bazaar and I requested any unsold potholders be returned to me so that I could further gift them. I like to try out new quilt blocks (to me) and make pot holders.

  2. Martha Oskvig Reply

    Very nice tutorial for some essential quilt-making skills in a quickly completed project!

  3. Very useful tutorial specially the making of the bia binding.
    Thanks very much

    • littlemushroomcap@gmail.com Reply

      You are most welcome. I thought I’ll try and drop something to try in each potholder.

    • littlemushroomcap@gmail.com Reply

      Glad you agree with the idea! I love small projects.

  4. Such a fantastic tutorial. I love potholders but, in all honesty, they always end up taking me longer to sew than I anticipate. The rounded corners with the bias binding ends up not looking very nice on the back either. I guess I need more practice. Here is one that I pattern-tested: https://nettiesews.blogspot.com/2018/09/linen-and-pieced-potholders.html
    I love the double-pocket one and it was a joy to sew. But I struggled with the square potholder.
    Good luck with your 52 week project!

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